FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
How To Use Your Phone as a Dash Cam / Install Guide 🔗
On-Screen Buttons 🔗
Browsing Files 🔗
Start Recording By 1-Click 🔗
Loop Recording 🔗
Free Unlimited Recording 🔗
Ultra-wide lens 🔗
The ultra-wide-angle camera is often the part of vendor-specific firmware. Therefore, the use may not be exposed for developers outside vendor departments. In such case it will be available only for standard camera app. But vendors already release these possibilities for end developers so Google is working on a new camera library. As of Android 11, some manufacturers, such as Samsung, offer an ultra-wide angle camera now. Go to App - Settings - enable Experimental camera - check if ultra-wide camera is in the list.
Trying the full version before purchase 🔗
All functions are available in the application, including paid ones. Paid features are limited in time. You don't have to buy anything you can't try in advance. The time limit will be removed after purchase.
High battery consumption 🔗
Recording is a heavy process, so the battery will definitely discharge faster. In addition, the Dash Cam may use GPS, microphone, network cellular, etc. It also depends on the power consumption x battery capacity x battery condition. If your device discharges even though you are charging it, choose a more powerful charger.
The device is overheating 🔗
Some phone manufacturers really have problems with overheating while recording. Tips for prevent overheating: Use background recording with the screen off, use lower video resolution and my favourite tip which helps the most is turning on the windshield ventilation ❄️
Use background recording + graphics overlay 🔗
Recording with graphics overlay is not technically possible in Android.
The camera preview and recorded video are blurry 🔗
If your camera lens is clean :-) go to App -> Settings -> Focus and try to set another option from the list (often: "continuous-video").
Compatibility with external USB cameras 🔗
App does not work with external USB cameras. There are a lot of compatibility issues between Android system and external cameras (manufactuers).
Stop recording when connect to Android Auto 🔗
The recording is stopped because all apps are stopped and immediately resumed again by Android operating system when device is connected to Android Auto. If you first connect to Android Auto and then start recording, everything will work fine.
How to stop foreground recording 🔗
Long touch everywhere except on buttons. It's for better handling and more safety while driving a car.
Purchase prices are not displayed 🔗
When you click the purchase button Google will display a purchase dialog with the price for your country.
Purchase or subscription? 🔗
All purchases are one-time 👍
The recording stops after one minute 🔗
You have used some of paid extension. Look at the PRO section. For Free unlimited recording start foreground recording without graphics overlay or background recording from Record screen.
Video Stabilization (OIS / EIS) 🔗
If your device supports stabilization, go to App -> Settings -> enable Camera Experimental -> set Stabilization. Manufacturers may restrict using stabilization for developers and keep it available only for the standard camera app. More information: Stabilization on Android
Recording with Front and Back cameras simultaneously 🔗
It's not supported yet because most devices do not have the hardware for capture from two cameras at the same time.
The preview is not displayed / the recording cannot be played 🔗
The MP4 video file is corrupted. Causes: device switches Off while recording, low battery power, low storage space, storage problem, overheating, camera crashes, ... Corrupted MP4 video file can be repaired. See on Google or this article.
GPS is slow and inaccurate 🔗
The app reads data from the GPS module of your device. Make sure your phone has a good GPS signal and you are not near buildings. You can use this app for testing GPS Test.
Google Assistant does not work while recording 🔗
Up to Android 9 the microphone cannot use more than 1 device simultaneously. To disable audio recording go to App -> tap to Record -> turn microphone to OFF (tap the microphone icon). Now app will not use the microphone and Google Assistant will work. From Android 10, this problem should not occur.
The video player does not display subtitles 🔗
First check, if the video is marked by SRT label in the list of records. If no, subtitles does not available. If yes, try to use the different video player. I recommend XPlayer.
Auto-Start / Background recording does not work properly 🔗
The problem is caused by the forced battery saving mode in Android, which kills the background recording. This website will help you set up the system correctly: dontkillmyapp.com. Also check: App -> Settings -> More -> Diagnostics.
YouTube Auto-Upload does not work properly 🔗
First check if DashCam app is set properly: settings > more > diagnostic. Fix all issues. Next check YouTube log: settings > more > YouTube log. Don't forget to YouTube 15 minutes limit for unverified YouTube account. Check YouTube 15 minutes limit.
Notification buttons are missing 🔗
Try to pull down the notification by one or two fingers.
How to hide notification: Auto-Start detection? 🔗
From Android 8 all running background services have to display a notification To hide long tap to Auto-Start detecting notification -> settings -> turn off Auto-Start service. Be careful not to turn off all notifications!
How to hide system notification: "App using battery" 🔗
Settings > Apps > See all apps > from three-dot menu Show system > scroll to Android System > App notifications > Apps using battery > switch to disabled.